It can sometimes be tricky to know whether your child should attend school or not, if they wake up feeling under the weather.
Please see below guide from the NHS regarding when they should and should not come in to school.
If your child comes into school and you have any concerns, please either let a member of staff know at drop off or contact the office to tell us about it. We will then make sure that we monitor them through the day and will contact you if we feel they need to be collected.
You must inform the office if your child is not going to be in school.
You can do this in the following ways:-
Using ParentMail, Notify Absence and follow the instructions, giving full comments as to why they are not at school.
Please ensure you let us know every day if your child is going to be absent from school.
Calling us on 0115 9553440.
If we are not here leave us a message on the answerphone with your child’s NAME, CLASS and REASON for ABSENCE.
Where possible medical appointments should be made for outside school hours, however if this is not possible, please let us know and supply a copy of the appointment notification so we can adjust the register and always let us know if your child requires a dinner booking if they are coming in later.
Please note that unless they are receiving treatment that will leave them feeling unwell, your child should not take a full day off school for a medical appointment.