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Stanhope Primary School


Reception - Acorns




Miss Messom  (Monday - Wednesday) and Mrs Hall (Wednesday - Friday)


If you could like to get in contact with us then please message us on ClassDojo or contact the school office.



Stanhope Reception is a safe and fun environment, where children enjoy playing, exploring and active learning, while developing their creative and critical thinking skills. Children receive high quality education, which meets their needs, challenges each individual and provides sequenced and progressive learning, in context. We provide an ambitious and engaging curriculum, which follows the children’s interests through meaningful learning. Curiosity, concentration and resilience are developed, as well as self-control and the ability to know and remember more. Children in our reception are; exposed to a wide range of vocabulary, through adult interactions, stories, songs and games. Children leaving our Reception are ready for Year 1 and the next stage of their personal, social and emotional development.

Meet the team!

School Uniform

Our uniform is a red cardigan or jumper, a white or red t-shirt and black trousers, skirt or pinafore dress. In the summer children can wear shorts or a summer dress. School shoes should be black and have no heel.


Our PE day is Friday.

Children need to have their PE kit in school on a Friday to get changed into. PE kit is a black or red jumper, white or red t-shirt, black jogging bottoms and trainers. No logos of football kits. 

We are looking forward to showing families round our school, ready for the September 2024 Reception intake. You can book a visit by contacting the school office on 0115 9553440.