Keeping our children safe is at the heart of everything we do here at Stanhope Primary and Nursery School. We take internet safety very seriously and encourage all pupils' to use computing and the internet safely and responsibly. In school, all filters and restrictions are set to the necessary level and pupils access to the internet is closely monitored by staff.
Online safety is covered as part of our Computing curriculum, with each class receiving a lesson on the six aspects of internet safety, once per half term.
Ensuring children are using the internet safely and are aware of the importance of using this safely and responsibly, must be everyone's responsibility and we are committed to providing families support in order to do this. The fact sheets available to download below from the NSPCC give some information and guidance on how you can help your child keep safe online.
There are also several good websites that provide additional information to support you in this. These include-
Think You Know from the National Crime Agency
Please speak to a member of staff if you have any concerns or questions regarding online safety.